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ROR Vs .Net - A Strict Comparison

Ruby software development, Rails development services, certified Rails programmersThere are several benefits and downsides to using various technologies that have become popular for web applications like ROR and ASP.Net. Each language or framework has its own share of pros and cons. A comparison between the two will help in gaining a better understanding.

Open Source vs. Enterprise: .NET has various advantages for being an enterprise solution. As a framework, it is large as well as mature with various languages as well as stacks for different kinds of applications. Owing to JIT compiled performance, .NET is stable besides being fast as compared to ROR. Besides, this language also facilitates great documentation being more robust as compared to other networks. ASP.Net is totally open sourced and takes very little extra work to prepare the open sourcing code.

Ruby is fully open-sourced, which implies that majority of the Rails framework and gems are rendered free unless one charges for a particular product or a service that has been built on top of the open-sourced code. In this framework, it's easy to create component gems that help one in finding plug-and-play solution with the help of a simple internet search. The flip side of this feature is that Ruby on Rails is changing rapidly. This means that this framework can be unstable varying from one version to the other. Upgrading the same may prove to be a difficult task as many developers have experienced with several pieces of application getting broken with a simple upgrade. It is more so if they are not using Bundler.

Ease of Use: .NET comprises a GUI-centric environment for web development known as the Visual Studio that is more or less easy to use especially for the developers who prefer working on visual interfaces. Additional modules that are present in the framework indicate that majority of the code work is already done. This makes it simply easier for creating a robust application within a shorter span of time.

Ruby on the contrary, is lightweight besides being elegant and focused on the command-line focused that is preferred by the developers. Developers using this framework feel easier to get the applications with Rails up and running as it is more flexible. Moreover, in this framework or language, running scripts are not required for deployment. The language being concise as well as working on certain things being simpler, debugging or finding out problems with the code may become relatively more difficult.

Community Culture: Although, .NET is attached to the big community of Microsoft, there is not much development happening on open source with the language being bound to the timeline of Microsoft for releases as well as projects. However, Microsoft BizSpark offers the start-ups with a great opportunity for using the resources of Microsoft resources at simply no charge but with free support and software along with an entrepreneurial community.

Ruby on the other hand has the support of the actively vibrant Rails community. Developers using this framework have more control and grip over the projects’ direction within the due to the culture of open-sourcing. The flipside of this service option is that the community is facing rapid changes with the developers facing the challenge of keeping up with the upgrades so as to be in the same pace.

Robustness: With respect to the criteria of robustness, .NET is yet the most robust language as compared to Ruby on Rails. The GUI-centric framework known as Visual Studio, offers the language with great supportive features like compiled performance of JIT, multiple language support along with great documentation. Furthermore, the huge community of Microsoft and supportive offerings are free for start-ups as well as packages for enterprise-level applications rendering it to be referred to as a true enterprise solution.

Ruby, on the contrary, is not as robust as .Net and neither does it consists of such supportive features. Moreover, Ruby is not also the most scalable solution. For instance, Twitter had previously launched using Ruby on Rails on its platform due to its fast building advantage, but afterwards had to go for redoing of their application owing to scalability issues of the language. Ruby is also considerably slower than .NET, even with the hardware and the code being fully optimized.

Each of the language, thus, has its own advantages and disadvantages with the choice depending on the nature as well as goals of the user and what he/she actually wants. This would help you leverage the benefits of Ruby software development.

We provide Rails development services. If you would like to talk one of our certified Rails programmers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.